Alumni Program
We know that life beyond Eastside is filled with enormous opportunities, but also sometimes fraught with new challenges. We match each graduating senior with a college coach and a career coach, who provide support and guidance in the years to come so that our alumni can continue on their paths to success.
Our college coaches provide academic support and advising, assistance with financial aid issues, and personal counseling and mentoring.
Our career coaches work to prepare alumni for the professional world by helping them develop strong resumes, cover letters, and job search and interview skills. They also collaborate with hiring managers and recruiters to match alumni with paid summer internships in their fields of interest. The Eastside internship program helps our graduates expand their professional networks, connect with mentors, gain valuable skills and experience, and “try out” different career paths while still in college.
In this video, our alumni reflect on what all of this support has meant to them:
Our Graduates’ Success
While our alumni program is still a work in progress as we learn more each year about how we can best support our students beyond Eastside, we are tracking two metrics as a measure of our program’s success: our college completion rate and “first destination” rate. We are very proud to say that compared to the national average for first-generation students like those who attend Eastside, our alumni are three times more likely to graduate from college. And compared to the national average for recent first-generation college graduates, our alumni are twice as likely to secure a professional job.
To learn more about how we evaluate our program’s success, please read our Mission and Impact page.
Today, over 900 Eastside alumni are attending colleges around the country or have embarked on their careers. Their stories motivate us to continue expanding opportunities for students whose successes are creating a ripple effect in this community and nationwide.
For more information about our alumni program, contact:
Leigh Nagy Frasher
Director of Alumni Services
phone: (650) 688-0850 x159
email: leighf@eastside.org